10 week Trauma Sensitive Yoga Series
This series is based off of a research study done by Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk, author of Body Keeps the Score. He found that ten weeks of trauma sensitive yoga incorporating breathing, posture and meditation one hour a week significantly reduced symptoms of PTSD.
It is highly encouraged that participants in this series that have PTSD or CPTSD are also seeing a psychotherapist concurrent with participating in this series. I am happy to recommend therapists to anyone seeking help for symptoms of PTSD or CPTSD.
This series is based off of a research study done by Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk, author of Body Keeps the Score. He found that ten weeks of trauma sensitive yoga incorporating breathing, posture and meditation one hour a week significantly reduced symptoms of PTSD.
It is highly encouraged that participants in this series that have PTSD or CPTSD are also seeing a psychotherapist concurrent with participating in this series. I am happy to recommend therapists to anyone seeking help for symptoms of PTSD or CPTSD.
Interested in joining this Trauma Sensitive Yoga Series?
Fill out the form below.
Once there is enough interest we will schedule the series.
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If you want to work one on one with Andrea or have any questions you can email her at: [email protected]